This fall our Sunday morning group is reading and discussing the book of Romans. We always have lively, honest and thought-provoking discussions. Join us at 9:45 in room 3 of Fellowship Hall. For details, speak to Susan Nunamaker or Doyle Waybright.
The Seekers Sunday School Class will be studying “Life Lessons from Acts” by Max Lucado beginning Sunday, Sept. 8th at 9:45 a.m. Join us to reflect on the founders of the early church and how they demonstrated what God did for them and what he longs to do for you. If interested, see Mike Orleski for more details.
The next Men's Breakfast will be held on Saturday, September 21st at 8:00 a.m. in the church's fellowship hall.
The Women’s Guild Yard & Bake Sale will be held in Fellowship Hall on September 28th from 8 am to 2 pm. Our proceeds will go to help buy Christmas presents for one Teen Angel and we will also give a donation to Neighbors Helping Neighbors to help with their Christmas programs. Order forms for tables and spaces are on the credenza in the narthex instead of in the bulletin. Please give forms to Roz Santay or Nancy Brill by September 22nd if you are planning to participate in our sale. Thanks so much.
Check out our Newsletters under the drop down named Li'l Ripples.
LMC Stitchers meet Monday's at 10:30 AM. Bring your quilting, knitting, sewing, and/or crochet projects and talk while you work. If you would like to learn how to knit or crochet give us a heads up by calling the church office prior to showing up so that we can be prepared. 717-642-5332
The Women’s Bible study meets electronically two Thursdays a month at 7 PM. Interested women contact Dana McDonald at 717-642-6272.
Ruth’s Harvest – We will again be collecting individual serving size food items for children. Throughout the school year, these items will be placed in backpacks periodically and sent home during long weekends and holidays. This gives the children in Fairfield School District access to food that is easy for them to prepare and eat while parents are at work. Items needed are:
1 oz. Animal Crackers and 1 oz. Teddy Grahams
4 oz. carrot cups
1 oz. cereal boxes or cups
1.5 oz. chips or pretzels
2.34 oz. mac and cheese cups
4 oz. mandarin orange cups, 4 oz. mixed fruit cups, 4 oz. peach cups and/or 4 oz. pear cups
2 oz. peanut butter crackers and or 2 oz. cheese crackers
1.5 oz. peanut butter to go and/or Nutella individual serving cups
1.53 oz. oatmeal
1 oz. raisins
3 oz. Ramen noodles
Fruit gummies or Fruit Roll-ups
Pop Tarts
The weekly FUNnFITNESS program takes place on Thursday mornings at 9:00 AM in the fellowship hall.
Mission Opportunity Program -"MOP" meets Thursday mornings at 10:00 - 11:30 AM to roll bandages for third world countries. All are welcome to come and help with this worthwhile cause.
Wires and Wood rehearse each Thursday beginning at 6:00 PM through May.
Faithful Voices choir rehearsals take place on Thursday evenings from 7:00 - 7:45 PM through May
Women's Guild meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM, except in January, February and March. All women are in
Coat Ministry – November thru March there is a box in the hallway of the Education Building for clean, gently used coats. They will be taken to the shelter and given to the homeless in Gettysburg. Warm coats are very appreciated this time of year.
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