In addition to our current announcements, here are some more opportunities to get involved in the church and community!
Peace Garden
Are you looking for a peaceful place to sit and meditate or just sit and enjoy the outdoors? Wander into the Peace Garden at LMC. Lovely and peaceful. Sit a while. Spend time with God. Thank you to all the gardeners who have been busy making the grounds at LMC a peaceful, beautiful place.
Adams County Rescue Mission
The Rescue Mission has daily, weekly, and monthly volunteer opportunities in their store, kitchen, and warehouse. They also have projects to take home and work on, construction projects, fundraisers, and one day projects. If you have some available time to give the Rescue Mission contact Jaime at
If you would like to place flowers in "Honor or Memory of" someone or for a special event, call Church office at 642-5332
If you would like to sponsor the bulletins in honor or memory of someone or to note an event in your life please call the church office or sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex.
Ushers & Lay Readers
If you would like to usher or read scripture and have not been asked, call the Church Office at 717-642-5332