Dear God, help us be your hands, your feet, your eyes and your heart every day of our lives. "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels." Hebrews 13:2
Mission Organizations Supported by LMCPC
Click the links to find out more about the organizations we support!
Habitat for Humanity, Adams County
Adams County Rescue Mission
Tender Care Pregnancy Center, Adams County
Gettysburg Soup Kitchen
Fairfield Food Pantry
Mission of Mercy
Camp Krislund
Child Evangelism Fellowship of Adams County
Gideons International Troop Support
RBC Ministries - Our Daily Bread
Gettysburg Ministerium
Presbyterian Council for Chaplains
Adams County Prison Ministry
Ruth's Harvest, Fairfield
YoungLife, Adams County
Presbyterian Historical Society
AGAPE International
PCUSA Shared Missions
Compassion International, SS
Compassion International Youth Group
We also support many missionaries that we can not list here for their safety overseas. Please call our office if you need more information on our missions.
Mission Opportunity Program (MOP)
MOP has discovered a new recipient for “rolled bandages” – “The Dove Bandage Brigade,” located in Harrisburg, PA. This organization is prepared to receive and distribute as many bandages as we can roll! Over the years we've rolled 10’s of thousands of bandages that have provided comfort to the hurting in 3rd world countries. The “holy rollers” meet every Thursday at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to participate in making a difference in our world!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
We welcome new people all the time and we have the yarn and needles/hooks that you need to help us make the Prayer Shawls. (We have people that will teach you if needed.) We would love to help you help us. Please contact Judy Williams at 717-337-2418 or for comments or more information. Thank you.
Women’s Guild
We meet at 1pm on the third Tuesday of the month in the Fellowship Hall. All women of the church are invited. Come join us for fun and fellowship (and great snacks!). No meeting in January, February or March .
Casserole Ministry
I would like to thank everyone who made and delivered casseroles. Your willingness to help is greatly appreciated. We have a continuous need for casseroles so if you would like to contribute to this ministry just make one or two and bring them to the church or I will pick them up. They can be frozen or not and should be labeled with the ingredients and how to bake them or heat them up. For information or pick-up, contact one of the Deacons or call the Church office.
Transportation Needs
Members and other attendees having an emergency transportation need should call one of the following drivers, Lee and Jean Bentz 717-334-6064//Susan Nunamaker 717-642-9646 //Sallie Sites 717-334-8712//Len Williams 717-642-0123 directly, to arrange for a date, time and destination.
If anyone else would be willing to volunteer to help out occasionally, please call the church office to be added to our list.
Shut-In Ministry
If anyone would like to do visitations to shut-ins, the Deacons would welcome the help. Please contact any of the Deacons if you think such visits to others would be something you'd enjoy and have a little time to spare.
Food Pantry (Fairfield)
Please bring non perishable items to drop off in box in the Narthex. Samples are: Peanut Butter, Apple sauce, Canned meats (tuna, chicken, Ham, etc.) Soups, Ramen Noodles, Packaged rice/noodles Any non-perishable food supplies Please check your weekly bulletin as there is usually an updated grocery list printed there. Thanks!
A low impact exercise class taught by Dave Diehl will be held Thursday from 9-10 m. All are welcome